Day 54: Monkeys, Mirror Neurons and the Theory of Mind

imitation2-1What do monkeys and humans have in common? Mirror Neurons! As Giacomo Rizzolatti found out in his research, we share these mirror neurons with monkeys.

Mirror neurons are a distinct class of neurons that transform specific sensory information into a motor format.

These mirror neurons allow us to develop empathy towards others and understand what people around us are feeling and how they perceive different situations.

From the great book “The Marshmallow Test:”

These mirrors in our minds make us smile when someone friendly smiles at us. They make us afraid when others are frightened and cause us to feel pain or joy when others do. […] They are fundamental for our functioning and survival as interdependent social creatures living together in society.

Have you ever experienced how your own mood changed, even for a second, when you encounter someone in a particular mood? We tend to get worried when strangers look anxious and start looking around for something, and we also can feel a lot of joy when we see a laughing child in the park.


Sources: Walter Mischel, The Marshmallow Test


Day 53: Google: More Searches On Mobile Than On Desktop

google-485611_1920.jpgIn 2015, mobile search finally beat desktop search. Google has been anticipating this for years.

The company says that “more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.”

If you know the numbers for 2016, please share.




Day 42: Are you Smarter than Average?

people-220284_1280I found this interesting list to determine whether one is smarter than average. How many of these describe you?

(Not sure when I learned to read, but I am left-handed and do have a cat)




  1. You took music lessons.
  2. You’re the oldest.
  3. You’re thin.
  4. You have a cat.
  5. You were breastfed.
  6. You’ve used recreational drugs.
  7. You’re left-handed.
  8. You’re tall.
  9. You drink alcohol regularly.
  10. You’re politically liberal.
  11. You learned to read early.
  12. You worry a lot.
  13. You’re funny.
